Monday, March 12, 2012

Newfies Make Good Friends!

I have a new friend and his name is Pedro!  He is a year old Newfoundland or "Newfie" as I am told, and he is now my best buddy.  How lucky am I?  Well, right from the start when we became acquainted, I knew he was going to be a loyal friend.  And he enjoys all the same things I love.  We play "chase", "steal and dash" and "gang up" with each other.  I love that he gives up his toys easily to me and that I'm a much better catcher when we play ball!  And for a big guy, he is pretty fast on his feet!  So far we have had a lot of adventures.  We emptied the dirty dishwasher together and licked every single piece of silverware. Very tasty!  He is taller than me so he can get to those higher shelves in the kitchen and has found some awesome things to play with such as jars, bags, and containers of some great tasting stuff!  I'm not so sure Mama K and Mama P are very pleased but that's okay cause we are having the time of our lives!  And we do hear over and over from them how it is a good thing that we tire each other out.  And, best of all, it's rather nice not being the only one told over and over to get "down" or to "stop" or  "bad dog".  Because I'm faster, I can also get away from the scene first, so he gets the blame a lot more.  How great is that!

Pedro is a year old Newfoundland landseer adopted in January.  He is a big guy weighing almost 100 pounds!  He loves playing with his new friend Libby and when he has some downtime, he also enjoys walking, dog parks, riding in the car and playing in the yard...and oh yeah, lots of snuggling!